Firebase Error: Auth error from APNS or Web Push Service

Did you call admin.initializeApp()?

There are many official samples.



Everything worked for me the other day, so all setup was fine. But today I got this error.

Here's what solved it for me:

  1. Revoked APNs Key
  2. Created new one and downloaded it
  3. Deleted old one and Uploaded it to Firebase Dashboard / Settings / Cloud Messaging
  4. Gone to Settings / Service Accounts and generated new private key
  5. Added it to my Cloud Functions project (renamed it to service-account.json in my case)
  6. Saved the files and deployed the functions: firebase deploy --only functions

This error arises if your app setup for iOS has an error in any one of the following:

Found in Settings > General > Your Apps > iOS Apps:

  • App Store ID
  • Bundle ID
  • Team ID

enter image description here

When adding an APNs key (Uploading to Cloud Messaging > APNs Authentication Key):

  • Team ID (should auto set based off ios app info above)
  • Key Id (often is in the name of the key, best to grab when creating it)

enter image description here