Firebase error while configuring app - unrecognized selector sent to class

Earlier, I have faced the same issue, I fixed the issue by reinstalling pod.

Please refer to the below-mentioned steps to resolve the issue.

Please make sure that you have added Add two-parameter in Other Linker Flags.



Just install cocoa-pods again in the project. Please refer below command for remove and install pods.

Remove all Framework from project using below command.

pod deintegrate
pod clean

- Install framework using below pod command

pod install


If you have added framework Manual in the project then remove it and add it into the project again.


You have faced reference issue in your project (framework not found at Specific Directory).

Hit the Clean and Build project. Everything worked as expected

Make sure GTMNSData+zlib.m from the GoogleToolboxForMac pod is still being built and linked into your app.

enter image description here

Make sure that -ObjC and -framework GoogleToolboxForMac is in the Link log:

enter image description here