First entry from string split
If you need to extract the first (or nth
) entry from each split, use:
word <- c('apple-orange-strawberry','chocolate')
sapply(strsplit(word,"-"), `[`, 1)
#[1] "apple" "chocolate"
Or faster and more explictly:
vapply(strsplit(word,"-"), `[`, 1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
#[1] "apple" "chocolate"
Both bits of code will cope well with selecting whichever value in the split list, and will deal with cases that are outside the range:
vapply(strsplit(word,"-"), `[`, 2, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
#[1] "orange" NA
For example
word <- 'apple-orange-strawberry'
strsplit(word, "-")[[1]][1]
[1] "apple"
or, equivalently
unlist(strsplit(word, "-"))[1].
Essentially the idea is that split
gives a list as a result, whose elements have to be accessed either by slicing (the former case) or by unlisting (the latter).
If you want to apply the method to an entire column:
first.word <- function(my.string){
unlist(strsplit(my.string, "-"))[1]
words <- c('apple-orange-strawberry', 'orange-juice')
R: sapply(words, first.word)
apple-orange-strawberry orange-juice
"apple" "orange"