Flutter AdMob Banner Ad overlaps screen

I found one solution for you my cast Banner bottom Flutter Application little bit padding. Fix it with below code.

var paddingBottom = 48.0;

new MaterialApp(
            debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
            title: 'Name',
            home: new MyHomePage(
              title: "NMame",
            builder: (context, widget) {
              final mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context);
              return new Padding(
                child: widget,
                padding: new EdgeInsets.only(bottom: paddingBottom),
            routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{
                '/HomeScreen': (BuildContext context) =>
                    new MyHomePage(title: 'UPSC Question Papers')

handle when the app is not getting loaded Ads

      if(event == MobileAdEvent.failedToLoad){
      setState(() {
        paddingBottom = 0.0;

Thank you

If you're using a Scaffold Widget, try using the persistentFooterButtons: parameter. Tutorial here: http://cogitas.net/show-firebase-admob-banner-ad-in-flutter/