flutter base64 encode code example
Example: dart base64 encode
It requires a few steps, but encoding a string in base64 is pretty straightforward.
Dart has a function in the package:crypto library, CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64, which takes a list of bytes to encode as base64. In order to get the list of bytes from a Dart string, you can use the UTF8.encode() function in the dart:convert library.
All together, this looks like:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
main() {
var str = "Hello world";
var bytes = UTF8.encode(str);
var base64 = CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(bytes);
If you're working inside the browser, then you have the easier option of using the browser's built in btoa function. The above code snippet becomes:
import 'dart:html';
main() {
var str = "Hello world";
var base64 = window.btoa(str);