Flyway can't find classpath:db/migrations

It is not that much useful or accurate answer.

But This issue make you frustrated so that i give this solution.

Note: Strange but it's true, Sometime it's not allow copy paste because your folder created db.migration and it expact db->migration(It's not same in this scenario). So whenever you start from scratch. Go to the resource folder -> Create DB folder -> Create migration folder -> Create database file with Version_SubVersion__Name(As defined below).

Normally this happens in following cases,

  1. Path is not proper try using set locations param value.
  2. db.migrate folder not contain any file.
  3. Check name of file : V1_1__(short_desc)
  4. Try to run using, mvn compile flyway:migrate

In my case i already place sql file over there but still it gives same error, Basically i place this sql file using copy paste from somewhere.

When i try to add one new file on same place using IDE (Intellij : Right click on migration folder -> new -> Flyway migration -> versioned migration), then it ask me(warning) about some delicate allowance(normally we mention in database configuration i also place there still), and it start working.

I believe that Flyway requires at least one migration script to initialize. Try adding a simple sql creation script into your migration folder and give it another try. Alternatively you can disable the flyway dependency until you need it.