FME: Join attributes in text file with attributes in shapefile

This can be done easily in a number of ways, but the best way would be to use the FeatureMerger Transformer.

The Requestor will be the shapefile, the Supplier will be the text file. If you leave the settings on their defaults that should be fine for you. This will give you parameters that look like this:

enter image description here

Note: The first few times you run it be sure to connect visualisers/inspectors to _all_output ports for the FeatureMerger. This way you'll be able to see what does/doesn't match.

The output of the "complete" port will have the merged features in the way you want.

The Feature Merger transformer will allow you to Join by attributes

enter image description here Using FME Desktop 2012 SP2 here

Search 'Feature Merger'

A good blog post 'Joiner vs Feature Merger' by Mark Ireland

Have a look at inlinequerier ,it deserves your attention for the future when you need to chain multiple featuremergers , it creates indexes in a smarter way and speedsup your translations. Inlinequerier ... have a look.

Jorge Vidinha