for..else for Option types in Scala?

You could pattern match both Options at the same time:

(xMaybe, yMaybe) match {
  case (Some(x), Some(y)) => "x and y are there"
  case _ => "x and/or y were None"

Why would something like this not work?

val opts = List[Option[Int]](Some(1), None, Some(2))
if (opts contains None) {
  // Has a None
} else {
  // Launch the missiles
  val values = // We know that there is no None in the list so get will not throw

Very close to your syntax proposal by using yield to wrap the for output in an Option:

val result = { 
  for (x <- xMaybe; y <- yMaybe) yield {
    // do something
} getOrElse {
  // either x or y were None, handle this

The getOrElse block is executed only if one or both options are None.

The traverse function in Scalaz generalises your problem here. It takes two arguments:

  1. T[F[A]]
  2. A => F[B]

and returns F[T[B]]. The T is any traversable data structure such as List and the F is any applicative functor such as Option. Therefore, to specialise, your desired function has this type:

  • List[Option[A]] => (A => Option[B]) => Option[List[B]]

So put all your Option values in a List

  • val z = List(xMaybe, yMaybe)

Construct the function got however you want to collection the results:

  • val f: X => Option[Y] = ...

and call traverse

  • val r = z traverse f

This programming patterns occurs very often. It has a paper that talks all about it, The Essence of the Iterator Pattern.

note: I just wanted to fix the URL but the CLEVER edit help tells me I need to change at least 6 characters so I include this useful link too (scala examples):