For positive definite $A,B$ why does $AB+BA$ tend to be positive definite?
Your question appears to be based on a false premise. In fact $AB+BA$ does not tend to be positive definite as $n$ increases, even within the particular distribution you happen to be using.
To demonstrate this, here is a simple piece of Mathematica code that implements precisely the numerical experiment you described:
randMat[n_] := With[{
eigval = RandomReal[{0, 1}, n],
eigvec = Orthogonalize @ RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[], {n, n}]},
Transpose[eigvec] . DiagonalMatrix[eigval] . eigvec];
prob[n_] := Table[With[{A = randMat[n], B = randMat[n]},
PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ[A.B + B.A]], {10000}];
The results obtained (from running 10,000 trials for each value of $n$) are as follows:
| n | probability that AB+BA is pd | probability that AB+BA is NOT pd |
| 2 | 94.67% | 05.33% |
| 3 | 87.09% | 12.91% |
| 4 | 79.57% | 20.43% |
| 5 | 71.26% | 28.74% |
| 10 | 39.94% | 60.06% |
| 15 | 21.78% | 78.22% |
| 20 | 10.31% | 89.69% |
| 50 | 00.16% | 99.84% |
| 100 | 00.00% | 100.00% |
From this it is clear that you must have accidentally switched the two columns. As $n$ increases, it is becomes rarer for $AB + BA$ to be positive definite.
As an aside, I find it surprising that this question and its currently accepted answer have received a combined 17 upvotes, when seemingly nobody has even tried to replicate the OP's trivial numerical experiment.
$\text{tr}(AB+BA) = 2 \text{tr}(A^{1/2} B A^{1/2}) > 0$, so that may produce some bias toward positive eigenvalues. In particular if you generate your "random" matrices in such a way that the eigenvalues of $AB+BA$ will tend to be concentrated very close together, this may produce the results you observed.
But I tried a different experiment: $A = X^T X$ and $B = Y^T Y$ where $X$ and $Y$ are random $n \times n$ matrices with integer entries in $[-100,100]$.
For the case $n=10$, I found that it was very rare (0 occurrences in 3000 trials) for $AB + BA$ to be positive definite.