Force download through js or query

dynamic create link and click it with download attribute for force download as file:

var anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = this.props.download_url; = '_blank'; = this.props.file_name;;

Take a notice that i didn't even added it to DOM, so it's fast.

P.S download attribute won't work with IE. But it will just open link in new tab.

With the advent of HTML5 you could just use the new property download in the anchor tag.

The code will look something like

<a download="name_of_downloaded_file" href="path/to/the/download/file"> Clicking on this link will force download the file</a>

It works on firefox and chrome latest version. Should I mention that I didn't check it in IE? :P

Edited the download attribute after comment from sstur