Force vertical overlap in align

I can think of two ways, either use a negative space between the first and second row, or ignore the space of the sum. I prefer the second alternative.

P(a|b) =  
\sum_{\substack{c, d, \\ e, f}}  \quad\quad 
      &P(a,b) \\[-1.9em]
\cdot &P(b,c) \\
\cdot &P(c,d) \\
\cdot &P(d,e) \\
\cdot &P(e,f)

P(a|b) =  
\smash[b]{\sum_{\substack{c, d, \\ e, f}}}  \quad\quad 
      &P(a,b) \\
\cdot &P(b,c) \\
\cdot &P(c,d) \\
\cdot &P(d,e) \\
\cdot &P(e,f)


enter image description here

Assuming you don't want to number each row, you can use an aligned subblock:

Sample output



  P(a|b) &=
  \sum_{\substack{c, d, \\ e, f}}
    \quad &P(a,b) \\
    \cdot{} &P(b,c) \\
    \cdot{} &P(c,d) \\
    \cdot{} &P(d,e) \\
    \cdot{} &P(e,f)
  &= x+y.

However, I would prefer to offset the following lines as follows:

Second sample



  P(a|b) &=
  \sum_{\substack{c, d, \\ e, f}}
    &P(a,b) \\
    &\quad \cdot P(b,c) \\
    &\quad \cdot P(c,d) \\
    &\quad \cdot P(d,e) \\
    &\quad \cdot P(e,f)
  &= x+y.