format currency amount from number to decimal as currency code example

Example 1: format currency amount from number to decimal as currency

function formatCurrency(currencySymbol: any, decimalSeparator: any) {
    return function (value: any) {
      const wholePart = Math.trunc(value / 100);
      let fractionalPart = value % 100;
      if (fractionalPart < 10) {
        fractionalPart = 0 + fractionalPart;
      return `${currencySymbol}${wholePart}${decimalSeparator}${fractionalPart}`;

  const PriceLabel = formatPrice('£', '.');

Example 2: format currency amount from number to decimal as currency

function formatCurrency(currencySymbol: any, decimalSeparator: any) {
    return function (value: any) {
      const wholePart = Math.trunc(value / 100);
      let fractionalPart = value % 100;
      if (fractionalPart < 10) {
        fractionalPart = 0 + fractionalPart;
      return `${currencySymbol}${wholePart}${decimalSeparator}${fractionalPart}`;

  const PriceLabel = formatPrice('£', '.');


Misc Example