format json date to mm/dd/yy format before displaying in a jquery datatable

For and javascript, you can just use like @David Sopko

                "data": "Date", "type": "date ",
                "render": function (value) {
                    if (value === null) return "";
                    var pattern = /Date\(([^)]+)\)/;//date format from server side
                    var results = pattern.exec(value);
                    var dt = new Date(parseFloat(results[1]));

                    return dt.getDate() + "." + (dt.getMonth() + 1) + "." + dt.getFullYear();
                }, "autoWidth": true

For a nullable date time, DateTime?, you will want to use a different rendering function:

        columns: [
            { "data": "userId"},
            {"data": "userCreated",
             "type": "date ",
             "render":function (value) {
                 if (value === null) return "";

                  var pattern = /Date\(([^)]+)\)/;
                  var results = pattern.exec(value);
                  var dt = new Date(parseFloat(results[1]));

                  return (dt.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + dt.getDate() + "/" + dt.getFullYear();}

You can use "render" property to format your column display

For example:

    "data": "createdTime",
    "render": function (data) {
        var date = new Date(data);
        var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
        return (month.toString().length > 1 ? month : "0" + month) + "/" + date.getDate() + "/" + date.getFullYear();

i have created demo using moment js and use of render function to convert json data into required format.

jsfiddle demo

also find code below:

testdata = [{
    "id": "58",
        "country_code": "UK",
        "title": "Legal Director",
        "pubdate": "1422454697373",
        "url": "http://..."
}, {
    "id": "59",
        "country_code": "UK",
        "title": "Solutions Architect,",
        "pubdate": "1422454697373",
        "url": "http://..."

    "aaData": testdata,
        "aoColumns": [{
        "mDataProp": "id"
    }, {
        "mDataProp": "country_code"
    }, {
        "mDataProp": "title"
    }, {
        "mDataProp": "pubdate"
    }, {
        "mDataProp": "url"
        "columnDefs": [{
        "targets": 3,
            "data": "pubdate",
            "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
            return moment.utc(data, "x").toISOString();