Fortify Json Injection in .NET

Apologies for the late response, I managed to fix/deceive fortify. Here is the fix

byte[] jsonBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(jsonBytes))
    output = Deserialize<List<T>>(stream);

 public TResult Deserialize<TResult>(Stream responseStream)
        using (var sr = new StreamReader(responseStream))
            using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(sr))
                var serializer = new JsonSerializer
                    MissingMemberHandling =
                        EnforceMissingMemberHandling ? MissingMemberHandling.Error : MissingMemberHandling.Ignore,
                    NullValueHandling = IgnoreNullValues ? NullValueHandling.Ignore : NullValueHandling.Include

                return serializer.Deserialize<TResult>(reader);

Hope this helps someone

It looks like in your case Fortify complains that you use json from untrusted source, this is what is said in Fortify documentation:

The semantics of JSON documents and messages can be altered if an application constructs JSON from unvalidated input. In a relatively benign case, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous elements that cause an application to throw an exception while parsing a JSON document or request. In a more serious case, such as that involving JSON injection, an attacker may be able to insert extraneous elements that allow for the predictable manipulation of business critical values within a JSON document or request.

If you receive json from a web service that you own, you can probably disregard Fortify's warning. However, keep in mind that you are calling JArray.Parse() on the input and presume it will be a valid array, but if it isn't, you would get JsonReaderException. Also, you don't really validate your JSON against a schema, please, see JSON.NET example to see how to specify JSON schema.

To be honest, I would be interested to know myself how Fortify would expect one to validate JSON received from some third-party web service.