FParsec: how to omit `many` parser failures from error messages

I think the root of the problem here is that this is a non-syntactic concern, which doesn't fit well with the model of a lookahead parser. If you could express "too many digits" in a syntactic way, it would make sense for the parser too, but as it is it will instead go back and try to consume more input. I think the cleanest solution therefore would be to do the int conversion in a separate pass after the parsing.

That said, FParsec seems flexible enough that you should still be able to hack it together. This does what you ask I think:

let naturalNum: Parser<int, _> =
    fun stream ->
        let reply = many1Chars digit stream
        match reply.Status with
            | Ok ->
                match Int32.TryParse(reply.Result) with
                | (true, n) -> Reply(n)
                | _         -> Reply(Error, messageError "Number must be below 2147483648")                
            | _ ->
                Reply(Error, reply.Error)

Or if you want the "natural number" error message instead of "decimal digit", replace the last line with:

Reply(Error, messageError "Expecting: natural number")

The effect you see ist that the first parser of your sequence succeeds, but also generates an error message (because it could consume even more digits). Your second parser consumes no further input and if it fails FParsec will therefore merge the error messages of the two sequenced parsers (Manual on merging of error messages).

A solution would be to create a small wrapper for a parser, that removes error messages from a result in the Ok case. Then when sequenced with a second parser only the message of the second parser remain.

Untested code from the top of my head:

let purify p =
    fun stream ->
        let res = p stream
        match res.Status with
            | Ok -> Reply(res.Result)
            | _ -> res

let naturalNum = purify (many1Chars digit) >>= toInt <?> "natural number"