FragmentManager popBackStack doesn't remove fragment
I found that the problem was not in the logic of adding and removing fragment of the stack.
The problem was that some of the fragment loaded another fragments inside of it (it had ViewPager component). Then I thought that when the fragment was removed then these fragments were removed too.
This is true ONLY if you use getChildFragmentManager()
method. This method MUST be used when loading fragments inside other fragmets. If not, then the fragments are asociated with the fragments activity.
I found this question, because after calling
fragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
this code fragmentManager.getFragments().size()
returns me the maximum number of fragments, which were in the stack. I checked every fragment on null. And I found that some fragment is null in my case. Maybe it will help someone)
will just revert your last FragmentTransaction
If you use FragmentTransaction.add
, popBackStack
will just call FragmentTransacetion.remove
But if you call FragmentTransaction.replace
, popBackStack
will call FragmentTransaction.remove
and FragmentTransaction.add
For your "NOTE 1" :
will not change your fragment state.