Fun mathematical model to announce pregnancy to husband


Here's a possible fun approach:

Ask him to convert the following to base $36$:


The answer, in decimal form, is:


Converted to base $36$, where $a=10$, $b=11$, and so on up to $z=35$, that works out to:


He should probably use Wolfram|Alpha, and make sure he clicks the "More digits" button, until it sinks in.

A mother is $21$ years older than her son.

In six years' time the child will be $5$ times younger than her mother.

Question: Where is the father?


Attention to the question: Where is the father?


Attention to the question: Where is the father?



The boy is now ten years old.

The mother has today $Y$ years.

$\implies X + 21 = Y$

In $6$ years:

$5 (X + 6) = Y + 6$


$5X + 30 = X + 21 + 6$

$4X = -3$

$X = -\dfrac 34$

The boy is now $-\dfrac 34$ years, that is, $-9$ months.

So the father is ....