Function Composition in R (and high level functions)
The functional
package has a Compose
functional which generalizes to any number of functions:
x <- matrix(runif(100), 10, 10)
# [1] 5.486063e-18
Compose(scale, rowSums, mean)(x)
# [1] 5.486063e-18
(Note that the functions are applied from left to right.)
You may make compositing function like this:
composite<-function(f,g) function(...) f(g(...))
f<-function(x) x+1;
g<-function(x) x*2;
or make operator of this.
About the second point, there are lots of such; I think the most used are the *apply family (sapply, mapply, tapply, lapply, apply...).
There is now a compose function in the purrr library. By default composition is made from right to left, as in Haskell, but it can be reversed with the .dir param:
f = function(x) x+1
g = function(x) x*3
> compose(g,f)(1)
[1] 6
> compose(f,g, .dir="forward")(1)
[1] 6