Function to convert column number to letter?
This function returns the column letter for a given column number.
Function Col_Letter(lngCol As Long) As String
Dim vArr
vArr = Split(Cells(1, lngCol).Address(True, False), "$")
Col_Letter = vArr(0)
End Function
testing code for column 100
Sub Test()
MsgBox Col_Letter(100)
End Sub
Something that works for me is:
This will return the $AE$1 format reference for you.
If you'd rather not use a range object:
Function ColumnLetter(ColumnNumber As Long) As String
Dim n As Long
Dim c As Byte
Dim s As String
n = ColumnNumber
c = ((n - 1) Mod 26)
s = Chr(c + 65) & s
n = (n - c) \ 26
Loop While n > 0
ColumnLetter = s
End Function
- For example:
MsgBox Columns( 9347 ).Address
returns .
To return ONLY the column letter(s): Split((Columns(
Column Index
- For example:
MsgBox Split((Columns( 2734 ).Address(,0)),":")(0)
returns .