function to draw a 3-point arc


fun[p_] := 
 Module[{cs = List @@ Circumsphere[p], c, r, u, v, w, reg, rm, 
   regc}, {c, r} = cs;
  {u, v, w} = Sort[Mod[ArcTan @@@ (# - c & /@ p), 2 Pi]];
  reg = {{u, w}, {v, 2 Pi + u}, {w, 2 Pi + v}};
  rm = Abs[Subtract @@@ reg];
  regc = Pick[reg, # == Min[rm] & /@ rm];
  ParametricPlot[c + r {Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, ##}, 
     Epilog -> {PointSize[0.03], Red, Point[p], Green, Point[c], Gray,
        Dashed, Circle[c, r]}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, 
     PlotRange -> Table[{-2, 2}, 2], Frame -> True, Axes -> False] & @@@

Original Answer

Not efficient but for what it's worth (using Circumsphere):

func[p_] := 
 Module[{cs = List @@ Circumsphere[p], c, r, u, v, w, reg, rm, regc},
  {c, r} = cs;
  {u, v, w} = Sort[Mod[ArcTan @@@ (# - c & /@ p), 2 Pi]];
  reg = ParametricRegion[c + r {Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {{t, ##}}] & @@@ {{u,
       w}, {v, 2 Pi + u}, {w, 2 Pi + v}};
  rm = RegionMeasure /@ reg;
  regc = Pick[reg, # == Min[rm] & /@ rm];
   Epilog -> {PointSize[0.03], Red, Point[p], Green, Point[c], Gray, 
     Dashed, Circle[c, r]}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, 
   PlotRange -> Table[{-2, 2}, 2]]]

Testing on 10 random triples:

pts = RandomReal[1, {10, 3, 2}];

enter image description here

Updated based on ubpdqn's brilliant use of Circumsphere. The function is now more than two orders of magnitude faster.

Ok, since it seems like there is no simple form solution based on additional readings of other posts, I am posting the general form of the function I suggested in the question:

arc3v2[pts_List] := 
   Module[{center, radius, theta},
     {center, radius} = List @@ Circumsphere[pts];
     theta = SortBy[Mod[ArcTan @@ (# - center), 2 Pi] & /@ pts, # &];
     {center, radius, {First@theta, Last@theta}}

Verifying that it works (the function in the original question didn't correctly calculate angles, as VectorAngle is not accounting for quadrants):

pts = {{1, 5}, {-1, .1}, {-.7, -0.1}};
arc = arc3v2[pts];
  Sequence @@ Table[Graphics[{Red, Disk[pts[[i]], 0.1]}], {i, 3}],
  Graphics[{Green, Disk[arc[[1]], 0.1]}], 
  Graphics[{LightGray, Circle[Sequence @@ Most@arc]}],
  Graphics @ Circle[Sequence @@ arc], 
 Axes -> True]

enter image description here

Comments are welcome!