Fundamental group of two tori with a circle ($S^1✕${$x_0$}) identified

Here are two tori with a copy of $S^1$ identified. The picture is clearer when we move $x_0$ to the inner rim of one torus, and to the outer rim on the other torus.

enter image description here

The two images below show a path on one of the tori that belongs to the homotopy class of the latter generator.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Basically Van Kampen says that these two become homotopic in $\pi_1$ of the combination. Geometrically this is obvious, as you can slide that path from one torus to the other via the shared circle of contact.

More precisely, if $b$ denotes the homotopy class above and $a_1$ (resp. $a_2$) is a loop around the tube of the bigger (resp. smaller) torus, then elements of the amalgamated product are objects like $$ (a_1^{k_1},b^{\ell_1})*(a_2^{m_1},b^{n_1})*\cdots*(a_1^{k_t},b^{\ell_t})*(a_2^{m_t},b^{n_t}), $$ where the exponents $k_i,\ell_i,m_i,n_i$ are all arbitrary integers, $t$ is a natural number and factors with $a_1$ (resp. $a_2$) alternate.

Because $b$ commutes with both $a_1$ and $a_2$, the above product simplifies to $$ a_1^{k_1}a_2^{m_1}a_1^{k_2}a_2^{m_2}\cdots a_1^{k_t}a_2^{m_t}b^r $$ with $$ r=\sum_{i=1}^t(\ell_i+n_i). $$ This is path that first does $k_1$ laps around the outer tube, then $m_1$ laps around the inner loop et cetera, and at some point also goes $r$ laps along the intersection.

Looks like $(\Bbb{Z}*\Bbb{Z})\oplus\Bbb{Z}$ as a group. A direct product of two groups where the first factor is a free product of two infinite cyclic groups, and the latter is just $\Bbb{Z}$.

In retrospect this is clear. Undoubtedly you know that the fundamental group of figure 8 is that free product of two infinite cyclic groups. Your space is the direct product $8\times S^1$.

I'll add that this means the group is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z} \times F$, where $F$ is a free (nonabelian) group on two generators.

In particular, before modding out, there are two pairs of generators, say $\{x,y\}$ for the first $\mathbb{Z}\times \mathbb{Z}$ and $\{a,b\}$ for the other. Each pair commutes with itself, but the two pairs do not commute. Then, modding out by $N$ just says $y = b$.

So now we have three generators, $y(=b), x, a$. The first one commutes with both the other two, and $x$ and $a$ don't commute. That gives $\mathbb{Z} \times F$.