Fundamental groups of noncompact surfaces
I'm reluctant to advertise, but since no one else has answered yet, I'll mention the proof on pp. 142--144 of my book Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory.
If you assume the existence of smooth structure on a noncompact surface then it is easy to show the existence of a proper morse function with no local maximum.This shows that the surface is homotopic to a one dim CW complex. This is the smooth version of Igor's answer.
EDIT BY ANDY PUTMAN: Mohan isn't registered and thus isn't able to comment, but he sent me an email with more details. The result is true in all dimensions : any noncompact smooth n-manifold is homotopy equivalent to an n-1 complex. The key is to construct a strictly subharmonic morse exhaustion function. The subharmonicity prevents the function from having local maxima. Details of this can be found in his paper "Elementary Construction of Exhausting Subsolutions of Ellitpic Operators", which was joint with Napier and was published in L’Enseignement Math´ematique, t. 50 (2004), p. 1–24.
I just ran across this question, and thought I would give a precise version of the proof Ilya suggested. I believe I learned this proof in Richie Miller's topology course, Michigan State University, 1977 or so.
Choose a triangulation of the surface $S$, equipped with the simplicial metric. Choose a maximal one-ended subtree $T$ of the dual 1-skeleton $S^{(1)}$. The subtree $T$ contains every dual $0$-cell, that is, the barycenter of every 2-simplex. Also, $T$ contains dual 1-cells crossing certain $1$-simplices. Let $U$ be the union of the open 2-simplices and open 1-simplices that contain a point of $T$. The metric completion of $U$, denoted $\bar U$, is a closed disc with one boundary point removed, and so there is a deformation retraction from $\bar U$ onto its boundary $\partial \bar U$. Attaching $\bar U$ to $S - U$ in the obvious way to form the surface $S$, the deformation retraction $\bar U \to \partial\bar U$ induces a deformation retraction of $S$ onto $S-U$, wnich is a subcomplex of the 1-skeleton.
By the way, the subtree $T \subset S^{(1)}$ can be constructed by an explicit process. Enumerate the dual $0$-cells $v_1,v_2,\ldots \in S^{(1)}$. Construct one-ended subtrees $T_1,T_2,\ldots \subset S^{(1)}$ as follows. $T_1$ is any proper ray based at $v_1$. If $v_n \in T_{n-1}$ then $T_n = T_{n-1}$. If $v_n \not\in T_{n-1}$, let $T_n$ be the union of $T_{n-1}$ with any arc $\alpha \subset S^{(1)}$ having one endpoint at $v_n$ and intersecting $T_{n-1}$ in its opposite endpoint. Each $T_n$ is a one-ended tree by induction, and since the radius $r$ neighborhood of $v_1$ in $T_n$ stabilizes as $n \to \infty$, it follows that $T = \cup_n T_n$ is a one-ended subtree of $S^{(1)}$, and it is maximal because it contains each $v_i$.
I think this proof generalizes to any dimension, to give the theorem that Igor Belegradek refers to.
--- Edited to simplify and clarify the argument ---