G1 garbage collector log analyzer
Try GCViewer.
The fork on GitHub includes support for newer Garbage Collectors (including G1).
Here is a relatively up-to-date list of all various tools that you can use for GC log analysis : Garbage Collector Log Analysers :
- (2013) JClarity's Censum Garbage Collection log analyser
- (2013) GcViewer
- (2012) IBM PMAT Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for Java Garbage Collector
- (2012) IBM GCMV The GC and Memory Visualizer
- (2012) verbosegcanalyzer
- (2011) HPjmeter JVM performance analyser (includes the functionality from HPjtune which was the GC log analyser tool)
- (2011) garbagecat
- (2010) gclogviewer
- (2010/2004) printgcstats (this may or may not be the PrintGCStats tool from 2004 which Sun created)
- (2009) GCAnalysis
- (2008) gchisto
- (2008) gcview
- (2008) the original GcViewer
- (2005) Garbage Collection Analysis (GCA)
- (2004) GCPortal
Look at the Memory Tab in Java Mission Control, it will graph heap usage, live set, GC pauses etc. for G1.