Gap shows up on right side of long table even after using `|`
Please see the following mwe. I added the missing &
and I added an second table without vertical lines, the better one I guess?
I added package geometry
to get smaller margins so that the table does not overlap the margin. See the typing area and margin printed with geometry
option showframe
\usepackage[showframe,margin=1cm]{geometry} % <=========================
\caption{Miscellaneous PDE's breakdown of results. Time in seconds}\\\hline
& & &result & time & result & time & & \\\hline
% ^^ missed!
\multicolumn{9}{|c|}{\tablename\ \thetable{} -- Miscellaneous PDE's. Continued from previous page} \\\hline
\#&PDE&description&\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Mathematica}&\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Maple}&hand solved?&animated?\\ \cline{4-7}
\multicolumn{9}{|r|}{Continued on next page} \\\hline
\endfoot \hline
1&A&Transport equation $u_t+ u_x = 0$&OK&0.003&OK&0.079&OK&{}\\ \hline
2&B&$3 u_x + 5 u_y = x$&OK&0.004&OK&0.01&OK&{}\\ \hline
3&C&$x u_y + y u_x = -4 x y u$ and $u(x,0)=e^{-x^2}$&OK&0.011&OK&0.114&OK&{}\\ \hline
4&D&$u_t + u_x = 0$ and $u(x,0)=\sin x$ and $u(0,t)=0$&OK&0.052&OK&0.28&OK&{}\\ \hline
Better version?
\caption{Miscellaneous PDE's breakdown of results. Time in seconds}\\\hline
& & &result & time & result & time & & \\\hline
% ^^ missed!
\multicolumn{9}{c}{\tablename\ \thetable{} -- Miscellaneous PDE's. Continued from previous page} \\\hline
\#&PDE&description&\multicolumn{2}{c}{Mathematica}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{Maple}&hand solved?&animated?\\ \cline{4-7}
\multicolumn{9}{r}{Continued on next page} \\\hline
\endfoot \hline
1&A&Transport equation $u_t+ u_x = 0$&OK&0.003&OK&0.079&OK&{}\\ %\hline
2&B&$3 u_x + 5 u_y = x$&OK&0.004&OK&0.01&OK&{}\\ %\hline
3&C&$x u_y + y u_x = -4 x y u$ and $u(x,0)=e^{-x^2}$&OK&0.011&OK&0.114&OK&{}\\ %\hline
4&D&$u_t + u_x = 0$ and $u(x,0)=\sin x$ and $u(0,t)=0$&OK&0.052&OK&0.28&OK&{}\\ %\hline
and its result:
off-topic, since your problem is solved by @Mensch comment/answer (difference to his second example are marked with$ <---
\usepackage{booktabs, longtable, multirow}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\begin{longtable}{@{} cc p{2in}*{6}{p{0.3in}} @{}}
\caption{Miscellaneous PDE's breakdown of results. Time in seconds} \\
\multirow{2}{*}{\#} % <---
& \multirow{2}{*}{PDE} % <---
& \multirow{2}{*}{description}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Mathematica} % <---
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Maple}
& \multirow{2}{=}{sol\-ved?} % <---
& \multirow{2}{=}{anima\-ted?} % <---
\cmidrule(r){4-5}\cmidrule(lr){6-7} % <---
& & & result
& time
& result
& time
& & \\
\multicolumn{9}{c}{\tablename~\thetable -- Miscellaneous PDE's. Continued from previous page} \\
\multirow{2}{*}{\#} % <---
& \multirow{2}{*}{PDE} % <---
& \multirow{2}{*}{description}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Mathematica} % <---
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Maple}
& \multirow{2}{=}{sol\-ved?} % <---
& \multirow{2}{=}{anima\-ted?} % <---
\cmidrule(r){4-5}\cmidrule(lr){6-7} % <---
& & & result
& time
& result
& time & \\
\multicolumn{9}{r}{Continued on next page} % <---
1 & A & Transport equation $u_t+ u_x = 0$
& OK & 0.003 & OK & 0.079 & OK & \\
2 & B & $3 u_x + 5 u_y = x$
& OK & 0.004 & OK & 0.01 & OK & \\
3 & C & $x u_y + y u_x = -4 x y u$ and $u(x,0)=e^{-x^2}$
& OK & 0.011 & OK & 0.114 & OK & \\
4 & D & $u_t + u_x = 0$ and $u(x,0)=\sin x$ and $u(0,t)=0$
& OK & 0.052 & OK & 0.28 & OK & \\
Red lines indicate page layout. As you can see, your table spill out of text border. This you can eliminate on two ways:
- increase text width, for example with use of the
package (as suggested @Mensch in his answer) - accordingly reduce the width of the third columns