GDAL polygonize in python creating blank polygon?
The problem is that I was not creating a field to store the raster band. After digging through the file, I realized this is not automatically done when calling gdal.Polygonize, which instead uses the function found here.
Here is the extra step needed to create a field and write a band to the field:
newField = ogr.FieldDefn('MYFLD', ogr.OFTInteger)
We can then write the band to this field, with an index of 0:
gdal.Polygonize(band, None, outLayer, 0, [], callback=None )
I had the same problem and I fixed by closing the shapefile after using poligonize ("dst_ds.Destroy())":
def polygon_response(raster, poligonized_shp):
src_ds = gdal.Open(raster)
if src_ds is None:
print('Unable to open %s' % src_filename)
srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(3)
except RuntimeError as e:
# for example, try GetRasterBand(10)
print('Band ( %i ) not found' % band_num)
# create output datasource
dst_layername = poligonized_shp
drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
dst_ds = drv.CreateDataSource( dst_layername + ".shp" )
dst_layer = dst_ds.CreateLayer(dst_layername, srs = None )
gdal.Polygonize( srcband, None, dst_layer, -1, [], callback=None )
polygon_response(raster, poligonized_shp)