Generate a map for a roguelike

Perl, 293 bytes

-9 bytes thanks to @Dom Hastings

{$==7+rand 30;@r=$"=();@a=((C)x4,(E)x3,("#")x1369,(" ")x1369);for$i(0..7+rand 30){$r[$i][$_]=splice@a,rand@a,1for 0..$=}$r[0][$=]=F;$r[-1][0]=P;$_=$r=join$/,$v="#"x($=+=3),(map"#@$_#",@r),$v;1while$r=~s/F(.{$=})?[^#F]/F$1F/s||$r=~s/[^#F](.{$=})?F/F$1F/s;$r!~/[CEP]/&&/C.*C/s&&/E/?last:redo}say

Add -E flag to run it:

perl -E '{$==7+rand 30;@r=$"=();@a=((C)x4,(E)x3,("#")x1369,(" ")x1369);for$i(0..7+rand 30){$r[$i][$_]=splice@a,rand@a,1for 0..$=}$r[0][$=]=F;$r[-1][0]=P;$_=$r=join$/,$v="#"x($=+=3),(map"#@$_#",@r),$v;1while$r=~s/F(.{$=})?[^#F]/F$1F/s||$r=~s/[^#F](.{$=})?F/F$1F/s;$r!~/[CEP]/&&/C.*C/s&&/E/?last:redo}say'

However, it takes a long time to run, so I recommend using this version instead:

perl -E '{${$_}=8+rand 30for"=","%";@r=$"=();@a=((C)x4,(E)x3,("#")x($v=rand $=*$%),(" ")x($=*$%-$v));for$i(0..$%-1){$r[$i][$_]=splice@a,rand@a,1for 0..$=-1}$r[0][$=-1]=F;$r[$%-1][0]=P;$_=$r=join$/,$v="#"x($=+=2),(map"#@$_#",@r),$v;1while$r=~s/F(.{$=})?[^#F]/F$1F/s||$r=~s/[^#F](.{$=})?F/F$1F/s;$r!~/[CEP]/&&/C.*C/s&&/E/?last:redo}say'

Try it online!


{                     # enter a block (which is used as a loop)
    {$==7+rand 30;                   # randomly select the width of the map -2
                                     # (-2 because we don't include the borders yet)
    @r=$"=();                        # reset @r, and set $" to undef
    @a=(                             # create a list of the character that can be on the board
     (C)x4,                          #  4 coins 'C'
     (E)x3,                          #  3 enemies 'E'
     ("#")x1369,                     #  37*37 '#'
     (" ")x1369);                    #  37*37 spaces
    for$i(0..7+rand 30)                # create the 2D map (7+rand 30 is the height, which is generated just now)
        $r[$i][$_]=                    # index [$i][$_] receives ...
           splice@a,rand@a,1           # .. a random character from the list previously generated
                                       # (the character is then removed from the list thanks to 'splice')
    $r[0][$=]=F;                       # add the finish cell
    $r[-1][0]=P;                       # add the start cell
    $_=$r=                             # here we generate a string representation of the map
          join$/,                      # join the following elements with newlines
            $v="#"x($=+=3),            # a first line of # only
            (map"#@$_#",@r),           # add a # to the beginning and the end of each line
            $v;                        # the last line of #

    1while                # the following regex will replace every accessible cell with a F
       $r=~s/F(.{$=})?[^#F]/F$1F/s  # a cell on the right or the bottom of a F cell is replaced  
         ||                         # or
       $r=~s/[^#F](.{$=})?F/F$1F/s; # a cell on the left or the top of a F cell is replaced
    $r!~/[CEP]/         # if there is no C, E or P on the map (meaning they were all accessible)
     && /C.*C/s         #  and there are at least 2 coins
     && /E/ ?           #  and 1 enemy
      last:             # the the map is valid, we exit the loop
      redo              # else, start over
say                     # and print the board

It takes a long time to run, because the list from which we randomly pick the characters to put on the board (@a) contains 1369 whitespaces and #, and only 4 coins and 3 enemies. So if the size of the width and height are small, there are a lot of spaces and # compared to the coin and the enemies, so it's quite likely that a random map won't be valid. That's why the "optimized" version is faster: the list from which we pick the characters is just a little bigger than the map (the list is @a=((C)x4,(E)x3,("#")x($v=rand $=*$%),($")x($=*$%-$v)) : a random number $v of # (inferior to the size of the map), and size of the map - $v whitespaces).

PHP, 422 417 415 309 373 369 364 361 bytes

function w($p){global$r,$h,$w;for($q=$p;$r[$q]<A;)for($r[$p=$q]=" ";($q=$p+(1-(2&$m=rand()))*($m&1?:$w))%$w%($w-1)<1|$q/$w%$h<1;);}$r=str_pad("",($w=rand(10,39))*$h=rand(10,39),"#");$r[$w*2-2]=F;w($p=$q=$w*(--$h-1)+1);$r[$p]=P;for($c=rand(2,4);$i<$c+rand(1,3);$p=rand($w,$h*$w))if($r[$p]<A&&$p%$w%($w-1)){w($p);$r[$p]=EC[$i++<$c];w($p);}echo chunk_split($r,$w);

operates on a string without linebreaks; digs random paths between the extras. Run with -r.

Note: The paths are created by walking in random directions. The choice of direction for every step will mostly generate maps that are wide open; and the example map is very unlikely to appear; but it is possible.


// aux function: randomly walk away from $p placing spaces, stop when a special is reached
function w($p)
        $r[$q]<A;                               // while $q is not special
        for($r[$p=$q]=" ";                          // 3. replace with space
            ($q=$p+(1-(2&$m=rand()))*($m&1?:$w))    // 1. pick random $q next to $p
            %$w%($w-1)<1|$q/$w%$h<1;                // 2. that is not on the borders

// initialize map
    ($w=rand(10,39))*$h=rand(10,39) // random width and height
    ,"#");                          // fill with "#"
$r[$w*2-2]=F;                       // place Finish
w($p=$q=$w*(--$h-1)+1);             // build path from Player position to F
// $h is now height -1 !
$r[$p]=P;                           // place Player

// place Coins ans Enemies
for($c=rand(2,4);$i<$c+rand(1,3);   // while $i has not reached no. of coins+no. of enemies
    $p=rand($w,$h*$w))              // pick a random position
    if($r[$p]<A&&$p%$w%($w-1))      // that is neither special nor out of bounds
        w($p);                      // build path from there to another special
        $r[$p]=EC[$i++<$c];         // place this special
        w($p);      // additional path to allow special in the middle of a dead end tunnel

// insert linebreaks and print
echo chunk_split($r,$w);

C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 730 bytes

var R=new Random();for(;;){char P='P',C='C',E='E',Q='#';int w=R.Next(8,37),h=R.Next(8,37),H=h,t,g=99,W,i,j,r;string l,s,p=new string(Q,w+2);var m=new List<string>();for(;H>0;H--){l="";for(W=w;W>0;W--){r=R.Next(999);l+=r<3?C:r<6?E:r<g?Q:' ';}m.Add(l);}m[0]=m[0].Substring(0,w-1)+'F';m[h-1]=P+m[h-1].Substring(1);s=String.Join("#\n#",m);t=s.Split(E).Length-1;if(t<1||t>3)continue;t=s.Split(C).Length-1;if(t<2||t>4)continue;while(g>0){g--;for(i=0;i<h;i++)for(j=0;j<w;j++)if(m[i][j]!=Q&&m[i][j]!=P&&(i>0&&m[i-1][j]==P)||(i<h-1&&m[i+1][j]==P)||(j>0&&m[i][j-1]==P)||(j<w-1&&m[i][j+1]==P))m[i]=m[i].Substring(0,j)+P+m[i].Substring(j+1,w-j-1);}if(String.Join("",m).Split(E,C,'F').Length>1)continue;Console.Write(p+"\n#"+s+"#\n"+p);break;}

Try it online!


var R = new Random();
for (;;)
    char P = 'P', C = 'C', E = 'E', poundSymbol = '#';
    int width = R.Next(8, 37), height = R.Next(8, 37), HeightTemp = height, testVariable, goThroughLoop = 99, WidthTemp, i, j, rand;
    string line, strMap, poundSymbolPadding = new string(poundSymbol, width + 2);

    var map = new List<string>(); //initialize map
    for (; HeightTemp > 0; HeightTemp--)
        line = "";
        for (WidthTemp = width; WidthTemp > 0; WidthTemp--)
            rand = R.Next(999);
            //add a character randomly.  Re-use the goThroughLoop variable here, which gives approx. 1 wall per 10 spaces.
            line += rand < 3 ? C : rand < 6 ? E : rand < goThroughLoop ? poundSymbol : ' ';
    //add finish and player
    map[0] = map[0].Substring(0, width - 1) + 'F';
    map[height - 1] = P + map[height - 1].Substring(1);

    strMap = String.Join("#\n#", map);
    //check proper # of enemies, regenerate if invalid
    testVariable = strMap.Split(E).Length - 1;
    if (testVariable < 1 || testVariable > 3)
    //check proper # of coins, regenerate if invalid
    testVariable = strMap.Split(C).Length - 1;
    if (testVariable < 2 || testVariable > 4)
    //map out areas Player can access.  Iterates until all accessible places have been marked as such.
    while (goThroughLoop > 0)
        for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
                if (map[i][j] != poundSymbol && map[i][j] != P && ((i > 0 && map[i - 1][j] == P) || (i < height - 1 && map[i + 1][j] == P) || (j > 0 && map[i][j - 1] == P) || (j < width - 1 && map[i][j + 1] == P)))
                    //mark this space as accessible
                    map[i] = map[i].Substring(0, j) + P + map[i].Substring(j + 1, width - j - 1);
    //if player cannot access all features (defeated enmies, collected coins, arrived at finish), regenerate map.
    if (String.Join("", map).Split(E, C, 'F').Length > 1)

    //output our final map
    Console.Write(poundSymbolPadding + "\n#" + strMap + "#\n" + poundSymbolPadding);


Edit: saved 8 bytes, made it slightly less efficient by locking the player accessible test loop to 99 iterations. I know it'll never really compete with the other answers here, but I'm having fun!