Generate combinations that add up to a target value

JavaScript (ES6), 96 bytes

Takes input in currying syntax (list)(target).


Test cases

This would fail on the 2nd test case if 4.8 and 10 were swapped because of an IEEE 754 precision error -- i.e. 14.8 - 4.8 - 10 == 0 but 14.8 - 10 - 4.8 != 0. I think this is fine, although there may be a more relevant reference somewhere in meta.

let f =


console.log(JSON.stringify(f([1, 2, 1, 5])(8)))
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([4.8, 9.5, 2.7, 11.12, 10])(14.8)))
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([7, 8, 9, -10, 20, 27])(17)))
console.log(JSON.stringify(f([1, 2, 3])(7)))


a => s =>                 // given an array a[] of length N and an integer s
  a.reduce((b, _, x) =>   // step #1: build the powerset of [0, 1, ..., N-1]
    [ ...b,               //   by repeatedly adding to the previous list b[]
      ...b                //   new arrays made of:
      .map(y =>           //     all previous entries stored in y[]
        [...y, x]         //     followed by the new index x
      )                   //   leading to:
    ],                    //   [[]] -> [[],[0]] -> [[],[0],[1],[0,1]] -> ...
    [[]]                  //   we start with a list containing an empty array
  )                       // end of reduce()
  .filter(b =>            // step #2: filter the powerset
    !b.reduce((p, i) =>   //   keeping only entries b
      p - a[i],           //     for which sum(a[i] for i in b)
      s                   //     is equal to s
    )                     //   end of reduce()
  )                       // end of filter()

J, 32 31 bytes


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                  1-[:i.&.#.1"0         Make a list of all masks
                                        for the input list. We flip the bits
                                        to turn the unnecessary (0...0)         
                                        into (1...1) that would be missing.
                                        Define it as t.

(=1#.t#])                               Apply the masks, sum and
                                        compare with the target

         <@I.@#                         Turn the matching masks into 
                                        lists of indices

Python 2, 110 bytes

lambda a,n:[b for b in[[i for i in range(len(a))if j&1<<i]for j in range(2**len(a))]if sum(a[c]for c in b)==n]

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