Generate random numbers following a normal distribution in C/C++

There are many methods to generate Gaussian-distributed numbers from a regular RNG.

The Box-Muller transform is commonly used. It correctly produces values with a normal distribution. The math is easy. You generate two (uniform) random numbers, and by applying an formula to them, you get two normally distributed random numbers. Return one, and save the other for the next request for a random number.


C++11 offers std::normal_distribution, which is the way I would go today.

C or older C++

Here are some solutions in order of ascending complexity:

  1. Add 12 uniform random numbers from 0 to 1 and subtract 6. This will match mean and standard deviation of a normal variable. An obvious drawback is that the range is limited to ±6 – unlike a true normal distribution.

  2. The Box-Muller transform. This is listed above, and is relatively simple to implement. If you need very precise samples, however, be aware that the Box-Muller transform combined with some uniform generators suffers from an anomaly called Neave Effect1.

  3. For best precision, I suggest drawing uniforms and applying the inverse cumulative normal distribution to arrive at normally distributed variates. Here is a very good algorithm for inverse cumulative normal distributions.

1. H. R. Neave, “On using the Box-Muller transformation with multiplicative congruential pseudorandom number generators,” Applied Statistics, 22, 92-97, 1973