Generating Linear Extensions of a Partial Order

A more concise version of the first approach, using Fold[] instead of NestWhile[]:

linearExtensions[set_, po_] :=
    Fold[Cases, Permutations[set], {___, #1, ___, #2, ___} & @@@ po]

Could use integer linear programming. In Mathematica this can be done with Reduce[]. One way (probably not the best) to set this up is shown below. It uses an array of 0-1 variables, where a 1 in position (j,k) will indicate that the kth element of the input variables goes in position j of a particular ordering.

Caveat: I may have mixed up rows and columns.

consistentOrders[elems_, pairorders_] := Module[
  {n = Length[elems], vars, x, fvars, c1, c2, c3, c4, constraints, 
   ineqs, solns},
  ineqs[{a1_, a2_}, n_, v_] := 
   Table[Total[Take[v[[All, a1]], j]] >= 
     Total[Take[v[[All, a2]], j]], {j, 1, n - 1}];
  vars = Array[x, {n, n}];
  fvars = Flatten[vars];
  c1 = Map[0 <= # <= 1 &, fvars];
  c2 = Thread[Total[vars] == 1];
  c3 = Thread[Total[Transpose@vars] == 1];
  c4 = Flatten[
    Map[ineqs[#, n, vars] &, pairorders /. Thread[elems -> Range[n]]]];
  constraints = Join[c1, c2, c3, c4];
  solns = Reduce[constraints, fvars, Integers];
  solns = 
   solns /. {(_ == 0) :> Sequence[], aa_ == 1 :> aa, And -> List, 
     Or -> List};
  Sort[solns /. x[i_, j_] :> elems[[j]]]

--- edit ---

The first three constraint sets are fairly standard for this type of 0-1 programming. The fourth constraint subset arises as follows. The idea is that if the jth list element must precede the kth, then the 1 in column j must occur in an earlier row than the one in column k. So for every 1<=m<=n-1 (n=dimension) the sum of the first m entries in col j >= corresponding sum in col k.

--- end edit --- Example:

consistentOrders[{a, b, c, d, 
  e}, {{a, b}, {c, b}, {c, d}, {e, d}}]

(* Out[83]= {{a, c, b, e, d}, {a, c, e, b, d}, {a, c, e, d, b}, {a, e, c,
   b, d}, {a, e, c, d, b}, {c, a, b, e, d}, {c, a, e, b, d}, {c, a, e,
   d, b}, {c, e, a, b, d}, {c, e, a, d, b}, {c, e, d, a, b}, {e, a, c,
   b, d}, {e, a, c, d, b}, {e, c, a, b, d}, {e, c, a, d, b}, {e, c, d,
   a, b}} *)

Bigger example:

vars = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l};
porderlist = {{a, c}, {b, c}, {f, g}, {g, e}, {d, a}, {h, i}, {i, 
    d}, {g, h}, {g, i}, {h, j}, {h, k}, {k, j}, {k, c}};

Timing[ss = consistentOrders[vars, porderlist];]

(* Out[81]= {60.03, Null}

In[82]:= Length[ss]

Out[82]= 12840 *)

My first modest attempt:

linearExtensions[set_List, po_?MatrixQ] :=
    Select[Permutations[set], Complement[po, Subsets[#, {Last[Dimensions[po]]}]] === {} &]

My second modest attempt:

linearExtensions[set_List, po_?MatrixQ] :=
  Select[Permutations[set], And @@ Map[Function[p, LongestCommonSequence[#, p] === p], po] &]