Generating ribbon diagrams for knots known to be ribbon knots

I think Kawauchi's book has tables that include ribbon diagrams, but I don't have a copy with me. Look at Livingston and Cha . It is not hard to get a ribbon disk from this diagram: add a handle between the ears on the top and bottom right.

Generally, I check Livingston/Cha , Bar-Natan, and Saito for various information.

@ears: there are a pair of symmetric clasps on the top and bottom of the diagram. Pull the top-most and bottom-most arc to the right, and then attach a band. The vertical arc that forms a triangle, and the right vertical arc from the band forms an obvious embedded circle.

The Knot Atlas seems like it would be a good home for ribbon diagrams. At present, it has exactly one: for the knot 61.

The Knot Atlas is a wiki, it's user editable, and you can even upload new images.

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