Generating ukulele chord diagrams
Edit: Here is a better \drawukulelechord
macro using TikZ.
macro draws a ukulele chord. Its mandatory argument is a list of four numbers (for four strings) : -1 (string is not played), 0 (opened string), 1 and above (finger position for this string). The optional argument may be used to change scale (default:x=2ex
macro allows to associate a name (first argument) and a list to use with\drawukulelechord
(second argument).The
macro draws a named ukulele chord (predefined by\defineukulelechord
You may uncomment or comment the line with % opened string
to explicitly draw or not an opened string.
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=2ex,y=2ex,line cap=round,line width=.4pt,
baseline=(current bounding,#1]
\draw[line width=.6pt] (1,0) -- (4,0);
\foreach \d in {1,...,4}{\draw (1,-\d) -- (4,-\d);}
\foreach \d[count=\p] in \chord {
\draw (\p,0) -- (\p,-4.5);
\draw (\p,.25) +(-.125,-.125) -- +(.125,.125)
+(-.125,.125) -- +(.125,-.125);
\draw (\p,.25) circle(.125); % opened string
\fill (\p,.5-1*\d) circle(.25);
\path[use as bounding box] (0.5,.5) rectangle (4.5,-5);
\GenericError{}{Undefined ukulele chord '#1'}{}{}%
\defineukulelechord{A maj}{2,1,0,0}
\defineukulelechord{A 6}{2,1,2,0}
\defineukulelechord{G sharp maj}{5,3,4,3}
\defineukulelechord{A flat maj}{5,3,4,3}
\defineukulelechord{G sharp 6}{1,3,1,3}
& maj & 6 \\
A & \ukulelechord{A maj} & \ukulelechord{A 6} \\
G$\sharp$/A$\flat$ & \ukulelechord{G sharp maj} & \ukulelechord{G sharp 6} \\
Test & \drawukulelechord{-1,0,1,2} & \drawukulelechord{2,-1,-1,-1}
The package guitarchordschemes
can be used for this – at least with v0.7. Starting with said version it allows for setting the string number and for rotating the scheme.
In the following example I also use the chords
library of the leadsheets
package for typesetting of the chord names. This is just for convenience and not an essential part of the example.
% the `chords' library of the leadsheets package provides the convenient
% \writechord macro; we don't any other functionality of said package so we
% use the `chords' option:
% guitarchordschemes setup:
strings = 4 ,
chord-frets = 5 ,
tuning = {,,,} ,
rotate = -90 ,
x-unit = 1.333mm , y-unit = 2mm ,
finger-radius = .25 ,
line-width = .6pt ,
& ma & 6 & 7 & 9 & maj7 & mi & mi6 & mi7 & mi9 & sus2 & sus4 & aug & dim \\
\writechord{A} &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,1/3} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,1/3,2/2} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/3} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/3,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,1/3} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/2} ] &
\chordscheme &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,4/3,5/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,1/3,1/2} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,3/3,2/2,3/1} ] \\
\writechord{A#}\slash\writechord{Bb} &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,2/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,2/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,2/3,1/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,2/3,1/2} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,1/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,1/3,3/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,1/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,1/3,1/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,3/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,2/3,2/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/3,1/1} ] \\
\writechord{B} &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,3/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,3/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,3/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,3/3,2/2,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,3/3,2/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,2/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,2/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,2/3,2/2,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,1/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,4/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/3,3/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,2/3,1/2,2/1} ] \\
\writechord{C} &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/1} ] &
\chordscheme &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/3,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/3,3/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/3,3/2} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,3/3,3/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {5/4,3/3,3/2,5/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/3,3/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,3/3,2/2,3/1} ] \\
\writechord{C#}\slash\writechord{Db} &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,1/3,1/2,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,1/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,1/3,1/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,3/3,1/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,1/3,1/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {5/4,3/3,3/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,4/3,4/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,4/3,4/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,3/3,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,3/3,4/2,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,1/3,2/2,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,1/3,1/2} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/3,1/1} ] \\
\writechord{D} &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3,2/2} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3,2/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,4/3,2/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3,2/2,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3,1/2} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3,1/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3,1/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,4/3,1/2,5/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,2/3} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/3,3/2} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,2/3,2/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,2/3,1/2,2/1} ] \\
\writechord{D#}\slash\writechord{Eb} &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/3,3/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,3/3,3/2,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,3/3,3/2,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,3/3,3/2,5/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,3/3,2/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,2/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,1/3,2/2,1/1} ] &
\setchordscheme{ chord-frets = 6 }\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,5/3,2/2,6/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/4,3/3,1/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,3/3,4/2,1/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {3/3,3/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,3/3,2/2,3/1} ] \\
\writechord{E} &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,4/3,4/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,1/3,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,2/3,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,2/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,3/3,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/3,3/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,4/3,3/2,4/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/3,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {4/4,4/3,2/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/4,4/3,5/2,2/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {1/4,3/1} ] &
\chordscheme[ finger = {2/3,2/1} ]
Adding to Paul's brilliant answer, I recommend using lilyglyphs
. I've created some commands (with the help of the creator of lilyglyphs) making it less cumbersome entering chord symbols.
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=3mm,y=3mm,line cap=round,line width=.4pt,
baseline=(current bounding,#1]
\draw[line width=.6pt] (1,0) -- (4,0);
\foreach \d in {1,...,4}{\draw (1,-\d) -- (4,-\d);}
\foreach \d[count=\p] in {#2}{
\draw (\p,0) -- (\p,-4.5);
\ifnum\d>0 \fill (\p,.5-1*\d) circle(.8mm); \fi
\path[use as bounding box] (0.5,.3) rectangle (4.5,-5);
&maj& 6 \\
A & \ukulelechord{2,1,0,0} & \ukulelechord{2,1,2,0} \\
\giss/\aflat & \ukulelechord{5,3,4,5} & \ukulelechord{1,3,1,3} \\