Generic return type of function in Typescript

You can do it with overloads:

class A {
    search<T>(query: string, type: "Track"): Observable<Track[]>;
    search<T>(query: string, type: "Artist"): Observable<Artist[]>;
    search<T>(query: string, type: "Album"): Observable<Album[]>;
    search<T>(query: string, type: string): Observable<T[]>;
    search<T>(query: string, type: string): Observable<T[]> {
        return null;

Which will give you the correct type:

var observable ="test", "Track");

And this will give a compile error on incompatible objects:

var observableError: Observable<Album[]> ="test", "Track");

Try using the Array class instead of []. Also define a generic T type on the search function.

search<T>(query: string, type: string): Observable<Array<T>> {
 return this.query(`/search`, [

You should be able to call it like this:

let result = search<Artist>('someQuery', 'artist');

You can find more about generics in typescript in the Generics chapter in the handbook here.

As @toskv answered, you can add a generics type to the method signature, but the compiler has no way of inferring the type so you'll have to add it:<Track>(query, "track");

However, you can do something like:

interface MyObservableClass {}

interface MyObservableClassCtor<T extends MyObservableClass> {
    new (): T;
    getType(): string;

class Artist implements MyObservableClass {
    static getType(): string {
        return "artist";

class Album implements MyObservableClass {
    static getType(): string {
        return "album";

class Track implements MyObservableClass {
    static getType(): string {
        return "track";

class Searcher {
    search<T extends MyObservableClass>(ctor: MyObservableClassCtor<T>, query: string): Observable<T[]> {
        return this.query(`/search`, [
            `type=${ ctor.getType() }`

let searcher: Searcher = ...;, "...");

And then the compiler can infer what the T is by providing it with the class (/ctor).