genetically modified crops code example

Example: genetically modified crops

DNA of a crop is modified by gene7c engineering methods, with an aim to
increase resistance to certain pests, diseases, environmental condi7ons,
reduc7on of spoilage, resistance to chemical treatments (e.g. resistance to a
herbicide), or improving the nutrient profile of the crop
Ø A balance between pes7cide use and the use of the GM crops

Impacts of GM crops

Ø Development of super pests
Ø Injec7on of toxins, for example Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) produces a crystal
protein that is toxic to many pest insects
Ø Cyanogenic glycosides in almonds and other nuts can cause cyanide poisoning
Ø Widening the gap between the developed and the developing countries


Misc Example