Geometric explanation of $\sqrt 2 + \sqrt 3 \approx \pi$

Take the unit circle. Inscribe a square and circumscribe a hexagon. The perimeter of the square is $4\sqrt2$, while the perimeter of the hexagon is $4\sqrt3$. Clearly the circumference of the circle lies somewhere in between:


But to the extent that the square and the hexagon are rough approximations to the circle, we might split the difference and say



This is what I'm trying to show on a diagram indicating explicitly all quantities and the approximation is quite rough. Here is a circle with center $O$. Quantities $OA=OB=OC=OD=AB=1$ and $OC\perp OA, OD\parallel OA$. Line segments $AC$ and $BD$ have an intersection $E$. We can easily deduce the following quantity. $$AC^2=OA^2+OC^2=2\qquad BD^2=AD^2-AB^2=3$$ Hence we have $AC=\sqrt2,BD=\sqrt3$ and the length of half perimeter $ABCD$ is $\pi$. Also note that $$\begin{align}\sqrt2+\sqrt3&=AC+BD\\&=(AE+EC)+(BE+ED)\\&=AE+DE+(BE+CE)\\&\approx AB+CD+BC\\&\approx\mathrm{arc}AB+\mathrm{arc}CD+\mathrm{arc}BC\\&\approx\mathrm{arc}ABCD=\pi\end{align}$$

Riffing on @Shuchang's answer ...

enter image description here

Starting with unit circle $\bigcirc O$, one easily constructs $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$ with $|\overline{AB}| = \sqrt{2}$ and $|\overline{CD}| = \sqrt{3}$. Quadrisecting $\overline{AB}$ and $\overline{CD}$ one draws $\bigcirc A$ and $\bigcirc{C}$ to provide chords of length $\sqrt{2}/4$ and $\sqrt{3}/4$. Chains of congruent circles lead us to $B^\prime$ and $D^\prime$, such that we have polygonal lengths $$|\widehat{AB^\prime}| = |\overline{AB}| = \sqrt{2} \qquad |\widehat{CD^\prime}| = |\overline{CD}| = \sqrt{3}$$

Now $\overline{B^\prime D^\prime}$ looks very close to being perpendicular to $\overline{AC}$. (Is it?) This gives us the grand approximation $$\sqrt{2} + \sqrt{3} = |\widehat{AB^\prime}| + |\widehat{CD^\prime}| \approx |\stackrel{\frown}{AB^\prime}| + |\stackrel{\frown}{CD^\prime}| \approx |\stackrel{\frown}{AC}| = \pi$$

(Of course, there are multiple approximations going on here. The polygonal lengths approximate the arc lengths with different roughness, and the combined arcs only approximate a semicircle (although they do that quite well!).)