Get a Telegram notification only when a word is used on a channel

You can use the Junction Bot - it allows you to follow channels and filter the messages - without joining the channel.

From the bot help message:

I can collect all posts from your favorite Telegram and Twitter channels, so you can read them like a news feed. Also you can use me inside groups and to forward one channel into another.


  1. Start the bot.
  2. After choosing a language, send the bot the channel you're interested at - newportal.
  3. Send the bot a filter command, with the string that interest you:
    • Format: /filter @channel_name mustHave text_to_pass (get the full /filter command usage by sending the /filter command to the bot).
    • For example, send /filter @newportal mustHave (ru) to get only the messages with the text (ru) from the channel @newportal.
  4. If you want, you can set the bot to forward those message to another channel - so in that case, you can create a new channel for your area.

Note: The bot help message states that it can take around 10 minutes of delay until you get the updates.

Here's the full Junction Bot FAQ