Get a unique computer ID in Python on windows and linux
There seems to be no direct "python" way of doing this. On modern PC hardware, there usually is an UUID stored in the BIOS - on Linux there is a command line utility dmidecode
that can read this; example from my desktop:
System Information
Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
Product Name: OptiPlex 755
Version: Not Specified
Serial Number: 5Y8YF3J
UUID: 44454C4C-5900-1038-8059-B5C04F46334A
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: Not Specified
Family: Not Specified
The problem with MAC addresses is that usually you can easily change them programmatically (at least if you run the OS in a VM)
On Windows, you can use this C API
Funny! But uuid.getnode return the same value as dmidecode.exe.
subprocess.Popen('dmidecode.exe -s system-uuid'.split())
import uuid