Drupal - Get all fields defined in a bundle

EntityManager is deprecated moving forward. The following can be used instead:

$entityFieldManager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
$fields = $entityFieldManager->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type, $bundle);

I achieved it using getFieldDefinitions() defined in Class EntityManager. So in order get all fields used in a particular bundle, Here is a way:

$bundle_fields = \Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldDefinitions('node', 'article');

Though the above $bundle_fields also contains nid, uuid, revisions, langcode, etc as fields. So to get an accurate output I did something like this:

  $entity_type_id = 'node';
  $bundle = 'article';
  foreach (\Drupal::entityManager()->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type_id, $bundle) as $field_name => $field_definition) {
    if (!empty($field_definition->getTargetBundle())) {
      $bundleFields[$entity_type_id][$field_name]['type'] = $field_definition->getType();
      $bundleFields[$entity_type_id][$field_name]['label'] = $field_definition->getLabel();

EntityManager is deprecated and I used the next code. I added to Controller class:

 * The entity field manager.
 * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManager
protected $entityFieldManager;
 * Constructor.
 * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManager $entity_field_manager
 *   The entity field manager.
public function __construct(EntityFieldManager $entity_field_manager) {
  $this->entityFieldManager = $entity_field_manager;
 * {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
  return new static(

// Here some your functions

 * Build table rows.
protected function buildRows() {
  $entity_type_id = 'node';
  $bundle = 'article';
  $fields = $this->entityFieldManager->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type_id, $bundle);
  foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_definition) {
    if (!empty($field_definition->getTargetBundle())) {               
      $listFields[$field_name]['type'] = $field_definition->getType();
      $listFields[$field_name]['label'] = $field_definition->getLabel();                  

  $rows = [];
  foreach ($listFields as $field_name => $info) {
    $rows[] = $this->buildRow($info, $field_name);

  return $rows;

https://www.drupal.org/node/2549139 is what helped me

