Get all records from azure table storage
You're using wrong class. Use TableQuery to retrieve multiple results.
If you need further control over the records being returned, you can use ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync
to retrieve data a page (around 1,000 records) at a time.
var alerts = new List<ServiceAlertsEntity>();
var query = new TableQuery<ServiceAlertsEntity>();
TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null;
var page = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken);
continuationToken = page.ContinuationToken;
while (continuationToken != null);
Or if you need to restrict your results, e.g. by Partition Key, you can add a filter condition by adding a Where
clause to the query in the above code.
var pk = "abc";
var filterPk = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition(
QueryComparisons.Equal, pk);
var query = new TableQuery<ServiceAlertsEntity>().Where(filterPk);
MS Azure reference
You need to specify a TableQuery, this will give you all entities or you can specify a TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition
to filter the rows.
TableQuery<ServiceAlertsEntity> query = new TableQuery<ServiceAlertsEntity>();
foreach (ServiceAlertsEntity entity in table.ExecuteQuery(query))
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}\t{2}\t{3}", entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey,
entity.Field1, entity.Field2);