Get both the key and the index using Jade iteration

Just to add to this already answered question, I wasn't able to get any of these to work reliably with PyJade. I can't find the page that referred me to this tip, but it's worked perfectly for me.

Add this to your file to added the enumerate function to your pyjade environment.


Then, you can use it in your templates like any other pythonic enumeration loop:

for idx, val in enumerate(list_of_whatevs)
    {{ idx }}, {{ val }}


I think you only get an index if you are iterating over an array, so the jade documentation is a little confusing with its example. I'll give you three options for how to accomplish this. Choose your own adventure!

option 1: Keep your original input and build your own index

  -var index = 0
  each val, key in {day: "Wed", link: "url", message: "three"}
    li(id="item-#{index++}") #{key}: #{val}

option 2: Change your input to an array of arrays

  each val, index in [["day", "Wed"], ["link", "url"], ["message", "three"]]
    li(id="item-#{index}") #{val[0]}: #{val[1]}

option 3: Change your input to an array of objects

  each val, index in [{day: "Wed"}, {link: "url"}, {message: "three"}]
    li(id="item-#{index}") #{Object.keys(val)[0]}: #{val[Object.keys(val)[0]]}

The first option is probably what you want, but the others may be interesting to read.