Get count result with knex.js / bookshelf.js

While knex does return results as arrays, it also has a method for returning the first result, which will be an object--not an array. It's pretty simple to get straight to the count without having to rely on [0] or anything to access your count within an array. For your example, a cleaner solution could be:

  .then(function(total) {
      meta: {
        total: total.count

All the results from knex.js are arrays. A query could be successful and simply return 0 results.

Also, you can alias the column directly in the column name (or count() call). Like this:

  bookshelf.knex('hosts').count('id as CNT').then(function(total) {
      meta: {
        total: total[0].CNT

Still need to get the first element, but you can reference the column as a normal JSON property.