Get iPhone Status Bar Height

EDIT The iOS 11 way to work out where to put the top of your view content is UIView's safeAreaLayoutGuide See UIView Documentation.

DEPRECATED ANSWER If you're targeting iOS 7+, The documentation for UIViewController advises that the viewController's topLayoutGuide property gives you the bottom of the status bar, or the bottom of the navigation bar, if it's also visible. That may be of use, and is certainly less hack than many of the previous solutions.

You could test which is the lesser of the two values, that will be the real height.

The statusBarFrame returns the frame in screen coordinates. I believe the correct way to get what this corresponds to in view coordinates is to do the following:

- (CGRect)statusBarFrameViewRect:(UIView*)view 
    CGRect statusBarFrame = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame];

    CGRect statusBarWindowRect = [view.window convertRect:statusBarFrame fromWindow: nil];

    CGRect statusBarViewRect = [view convertRect:statusBarWindowRect fromView: nil];

    return statusBarViewRect;

Now in most cases the window uses the same coordinates as the screen, so [UIWindow convertRect:fromWindow:] doesn't change anything, but in the case that they might be different this method should do the right thing.

Did you do it like this:

CGRect rect;

rect = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame];
NSLog(@"Statusbar frame: %1.0f, %1.0f, %1.0f, %1.0f", rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height);