Get Kindle Library Book List

I've created a Gist of a javascript function which will take export a full list of all books using The Amazon Kindle Reader web app uses Web SQL to store the full list of your books locally (no need to "download" them), and the gist basically exports the list of books to a CSV file. I've commented some notes in the Gist, so you can customize it to fit your needs:

This is similar to what @user2493694 was proposing to do, but using the underlying data instead of parsing the page.

You're looking for the Amazon Product Advertising API.

Solution: The user is given an option to mount their kindle as a removable drive, and further to drag/drop all of their ebook files onto the page. I then parse all the file names which contain the ASIN. Using the ASIN, I can search Amazon for the book information including if it is lendable or not.

This is not exactly what I was hoping for, but it works good enough. If someone comes up with a more eloquent solution, I would be very interested!



