Get Laravel Models with All Attributes


Above will return an array of raw attributes (as stored in the database table)


Above will return all the model's raw, mutated(if used), and appended attributes

Hope it will helpful!!

I have this snippet on my other project to load all model attributes and relation.

public function forModel($with)

    $attributes = $this->toArray();

    // Normalize Null Relation To Empty Model
    foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
        if (
            is_null($value) && 
            method_exists($this, Str::camel($key)) && 
            $this->{Str::camel($key)}() instanceOf \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation
        ) {

            $relation = $this->{Str::camel($key)}();
            $model = $relation->getModel();
            $attributesForRelation = $model->getAttributes();
            foreach ($model->getFillable() as $column)
                if (! array_key_exists($column, $attributesForRelation))
                    $attributesForRelation[$column] = null;

            $attributes[$key] = $attributesForRelation;
        } else {
            $attributes[$key] = $value;

    return $attributes;

Here are two ways to do this. One method is to define default attribute values in your model.

protected $attributes = ['column1' => null, 'column2' => 2];

Then, you can use the getAttributes() method to get the model's attributes.

If you don't want to set default attributes though, I wrote up a quick method that should work.

public function getAllAttributes()
    $columns = $this->getFillable();
    // Another option is to get all columns for the table like so:
    // $columns = \Schema::getColumnListing($this->table);
    // but it's safer to just get the fillable fields

    $attributes = $this->getAttributes();

    foreach ($columns as $column)
        if (!array_key_exists($column, $attributes))
            $attributes[$column] = null;
    return $attributes;

Basically, if the attribute has not been set, this will append a null value to that attribute and return it to you as an array.


If you are trying to do this after instantiating like so:

$model = new Model;

then please differ to Thomas Kim's answer.

Otherwise: You could use the toArray() or getArributes() method on the model instance, that would give back all the attributes including nulls. Then you can use array_key_exists to check.

Like so:

if (array_key_exists('foo', $model->getAttributes())) {
    $model->foo = 'new value';