Get list of all routes defined in the Flask app

All the routes for an application are stored on app.url_map which is an instance of werkzeug.routing.Map. You can iterate over the Rule instances by using the iter_rules method:

from flask import Flask, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)

def has_no_empty_params(rule):
    defaults = rule.defaults if rule.defaults is not None else ()
    arguments = rule.arguments if rule.arguments is not None else ()
    return len(defaults) >= len(arguments)

def site_map():
    links = []
    for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
        # Filter out rules we can't navigate to in a browser
        # and rules that require parameters
        if "GET" in rule.methods and has_no_empty_params(rule):
            url = url_for(rule.endpoint, **(rule.defaults or {}))
            links.append((url, rule.endpoint))
    # links is now a list of url, endpoint tuples

See Display links to new webpages created for a bit more information.

I just met the same question. Those solutions above are too complex. Just open a new shell under your project:

>>> from app import app
>>> app.url_map

The first 'app' is my project script:, another is my web's name.

(this solution is for the tiny web with a little route)

I make a helper method on my

def list_routes():
    import urllib
    output = []
    for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():

        options = {}
        for arg in rule.arguments:
            options[arg] = "[{0}]".format(arg)

        methods = ','.join(rule.methods)
        url = url_for(rule.endpoint, **options)
        line = urllib.unquote("{:50s} {:20s} {}".format(rule.endpoint, methods, url))

    for line in sorted(output):
        print line

It solves the the missing argument by building a dummy set of options. The output looks like:

CampaignView:edit              HEAD,OPTIONS,GET     /account/[account_id]/campaigns/[campaign_id]/edit
CampaignView:get               HEAD,OPTIONS,GET     /account/[account_id]/campaign/[campaign_id]
CampaignView:new               HEAD,OPTIONS,GET     /account/[account_id]/new

Then to run it:

python list_routes

For more on checkout:


