Get next billing date from Laravel Cashier

Building on previous answers, here's what's working for me:

private function getSubscriptionRenewDate($plan)
    $sub = Auth::user()->subscription($plan)->asStripeSubscription();
    return Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($sub->current_period_end)->format('F jS, Y');

Subscriptions also have a ->asStripeSubscription() method that gives you access to the values just for that subscription. So you could do:

// Retrieve the timestamp from Stripe
$timestamp = $subscription->current_period_end;

// Cast to Carbon instance and return
return \Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($timestamp)->toFormattedDateString();

The solution is to use the asStripeCustomer method:

// Retrieve the timestamp from Stripe
$timestamp = $user->asStripeCustomer()["subscriptions"]->data[0]["current_period_end"];

// Cast to Carbon instance and return
return \Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($timestamp)->toFormattedDateString();

Note that I've only tested this with a user who has a single subscription - data[0].

You may need to alter this code for multiple subscriptions or if the user has cancelled and started another subscription.