Get next smallest nearest number to a decimal

I tried to implement Pointy's suggestion from the comments (using typed arrays). This is loosely adapted from glibc's implementation of nextafter. Should be good enough.

You can actually just increment/decrement the 64-bit integer representation of a double to get the wanted result. A mantissa overflow will overflow to the exponent which happens to be just what you want.

Since JavaScript doesn't provide a Uint64Array I had to implement a manual overflow over two 32-bit integers.

This works on little-endian architectures, but I've left out big-endian since I have no way to test it. If you need this to work on big-endian architectures you'll have to adapt this code.

// Return the next representable double from value towards direction
function nextNearest(value, direction) {
  if (typeof value != "number" || typeof direction != "number")
    return NaN;
  if (isNaN(value) || isNaN(direction))
    return NaN;
  if (!isFinite(value))
    return value;
  if (value === direction)
    return value;
  var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
  var f64 = new Float64Array(buffer);
  var u32 = new Uint32Array(buffer);
  f64[0] = value;
  if (value === 0) {
    u32[0] = 1;
    u32[1] = direction < 0 ? 1 << 31 : 0;
  } else if ((value > 0) && (value < direction) || (value < 0) && (value > direction)) {
    if (u32[0]++ === 0xFFFFFFFF)
  } else {
    if (u32[0]-- === 0)
  return f64[0];

var testCases = [0, 1, -1, 0.1,
                 -1, 10, 42e42,
                 0.9999999999999999, 1.0000000000000002,
                 10.00000762939453, // overflows between dwords
                 5e-324, -5e-324, // minimum subnormals (around zero)
                 Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE,
                 Infinity, -Infinity, NaN];

testCases.forEach(function(n) {
  var next = nextNearest(n, Infinity);
  var prev = nextNearest(n, -Infinity);
  document.write("<tr><td>" + n + "</td><td>" + next + "</td><td>" + prev + "</td></tr>");