Get notified when indexedDB entry gets changed in other tab

Dexie 3.2 has observability built-in (without Dexie.Observable). It uses BroadcastChannel to communicate changes across browsing contexts. It can only observe changes that are made using Dexie>=3.2 (as there is still no stable native API to do this).


  1. Dexie has an add-on for Observables now, in case you start with a new project:
  2. Oleg did a solid hook on the Ionic storage wrapper. But that can be created for any local storage library. Solid engineering.

There's no current "observer" API defined for Indexed DB. However, it's on the feature request list and there are similar proposals from both Mozilla and Google.

Which is to say: yes, you need to come up with some custom cross-tab communication mechanism, such as polling, storage events, setting up MessageChannel links (Chrome), BroadcastChannel (Firefox), or using a Service Worker as a relay between clients.


Chrome has an experimental Indexed DB Observers API. You need to run chrome with --enable-experimental-web-platform-features to use it so it's not useful in production yet. We'd love to get feedback on it - file bugs on the github repo.