Get object sharing setting on Organization-Wide Defaults
For the Standard object, you can use Organization object to achieve this, query like,
Organization org = [Select Id, DefaultAccountAccess, DefaultContactAccess, DefaultLeadAccess, DefaultOpportunityAccess from Organization];
Query this object to obtain information about an organization's settings. Only one organization
record exists per organization.
for the details, see the doc,
Another way to test for sharing of custom objects is to check the global describe Map.
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> tokens = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
if(tokens.containsKey('MyCustomObject__Share')) {
//Share object exists, therefore custom object is private or public read only
//Still need to use dynamic apex because this code won't compile if MyCustomObject__Share does not exist
SObject share = tokens.get('MyCustomObject__Share').newSObject();
share.put('ParentId', customObjectInstance.Id);
share.put('UserOrGroupId', UserInfo.getUserId());
//API Name of the Sharing reason, or don't populate if the reason is Manual
share.put('RowCause', 'Sharing_Reason__c');
} else {
//Share does not exist custom object is public read write
As you have already discovered, this is only for custom objects, @JiaHu's answer explains how to get the sharing level of a standard object.