Get package version for conda meta.yaml from source file

As of conda-build-3.16.1 (Nov-2018) here is what works to programmatically setup version inside the conda recipe.

The examples are a part of meta.yaml that you pass to conda-build, as explained here.

A. Tap into's version:

This recipe is perfect if you build a python package, since needs it anyway, so you must have figured that one out already.

{% set data = load_setup_py_data() %}

  name: mypackage
  version: {{ data.get('version') }}

note that sometimes you have to tell the conda recipe explicitly where to find it, if it's not in the same dir as

{% set data = load_setup_py_data(setup_file='../', from_recipe_dir=True) %}

and now proceed with:

$ conda-build conda-recipe

B. Git env variables

This recipe is good if your project is tagged in git, and you use a tag format that conda accepts as a valid version number (e.g. 2.5.1 or v2.5.1).

  name: hub
  version: {{ GIT_DESCRIBE_TAG }}

and now proceed with:

$ conda-build conda-recipe

C. Pass env variable:

This one is useful for non-python conda packages, where the version comes from a variety of different places, and you can perfect its value - e.g. convert v2.5.1 into 2.5.1.

  name: mypkg
  version: {{ environ.get('MYPKG_VERSION', '') }}

Then create an executable script that fetches the version, let's call it script-to-get-mypkg-version

and now proceed with loading the env var that will set the version:

$ MYPKG_VERSION=`script-to-get-mypkg-version` conda-build conda-recipe

Depending on the conda-build version, you may have to use os.environ.get instead of environ.get. The docs use the latter.

This doesn't work

Note that if this used to work in the past, as described in one of the answers from 2016, it doesn't work now.

  name: mypkg

$ VERSION=`script-to-get-mypkg-version` conda-build conda-recipe

conda-build ignores env var VERSION in this case.


There are lots of ways to get to your endpoint. Here's what conda itself does...

The source of truth for conda's version information is __version__ in conda/ It can be loaded programmatically within python code as from conda import __version__ as you suggest. It's also hard-wired into here (note this code too), so from the command line python --version is the canonical way to get that information.

In 1.x versions of conda-build, putting a line

$PYTHON --version > __conda_version__.txt

in would set the version for the built package using our source of truth. The __conda_version__.txt file is deprecated, however, and it will likely be removed with the release of conda-build 2.0. In recent versions of conda-build, the preferred way to do this is to use load_setup_py_data() within a jinja2 context, which will give you access to all the metadata from Specifically, in the meta.yaml file, we'd have something like this

  name: conda
  version: "{{ load_setup_py_data().version }}"

Now, how the __version__ variable is set in conda/

What you see in the source code is a call to the auxlib.packaging.get_version() function. This function does the following in order

  1. look first for a file conda/.version, and if found return the contents as the version identifier
  2. look next for a VERSION environment variable, and if set return the value as the version identifier
  3. look last at the git describe --tags output, and return a version identifier if possible (must have git installed, must be a git repo, etc etc)
  4. if none of the above yield a version identifier, return None

Now there's just one more final trick. In conda's file, we set cmdclass for build_py and sdist to those provided by auxlib.packaging. Basically we have

from auxlib import packaging
        'build_py': packaging.BuildPyCommand,
        'sdist': packaging.SDistCommand,

These special command classes actually modify the conda/ file in built/installed packages so the __version__ variable is hard-coded to a string literal, and doesn't use the auxlib.packaging.get_version() function.

In your case, with not wanting to tag every release, you could use all of the above, and from the command line set the version using a VERSION environment variable. Something like

VERSION=1.0.0alpha1 conda build conda.recipe

In your build section meta.yaml recipe, you'll need add a script_env key to tell conda-build to pass the VERSION environment variable all the way through to the build environment.



