Get path from OS X file reference URL alias (file:///.file/id=...)
In Swift you can use URL.standardized to get the valid path from a reference URL. So in Swift 4 - to get the file name from a drag-and-dropped file you'd do something like...
let fileType = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType (kUTTypeFileURL as String)
extension NSPasteboardItem {
func fileURL ()->URL? {
if let refURL = self.string(forType: fileType) {
return URL (fileURLWithPath: refURL).standardized
return nil
One can use osascript
, an AppleScript interpreter available on default OS X installs, run with the following script:
osascript -e 'get posix path of posix file "file:///.file/id=123.456" -- kthxbai'
Prints /Users/josh/Downloads/